How Gurbani Strengthened Me in Prison Cells: Exclusive Talk with Bhai Lal Singh Akalgarh

Sikh Political Prisoner Bhai Lal Singh Akalgarh spent 28 years behind the bars in India. Arrested in 1992, Bhai Lal Singh was sentenced to imprisonment for life by a TADA Court in 1997. In India persons sentenced to imprisonment for life are released after spending 10 to 14 years in jail but Bhai Lal Singh was made to spend 28 years behind the bars. He was permanently released from jail in August 2020.
Sikh Siyasat talked to Bhai Lal Singh after his release. In this part of interview Bhai Lal Singh talks about his jail period and tells that how Gurbani gave him strength in dark cells of prison. Full video of this interview will be released in coming days.